The national chamber of entrepreneurs


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- Karaganda Region
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Students of Saransk participate in the competition for the best essay on the topic “business idea”

Businessmen of Saransk decided to get in charge of development of youth entrepreneurship - on the initiative of the SME Committee was organized an essay competition, which, in fact, will be the business plan.

Students of secondary specialized educational institutions of Saran have a real chance to present their own business idea in the form of essays. Essays were written on various topics - livestock development, opening a pizzeria, car rental, most importantly, the project is aimed at improving the quality of service sphere. At the first phase were identified 10 most talented pupils, which the jury decided to teach the basics of entrepreneurship and awarded certificates for training. Within a month, experts of the branch Chamber of Entrepreneurs teach them the basics of marketing, taxation and business planning. Thus, the operating business of the city decided to combine many years of experience with fresh ideas and creative approach of teenagers.

"Of course, we did not exclude the possibility of implementing the best business projects. That is our task at this point not just to promote youth entrepreneurship and to encourage self-development, but also to support fully both morally and financially", - says the chairman of the SME Committee of Saransk branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Rinat Minkhairov.

As it was noted by the organizers, there are special requirements for essays, as in any competition. So, the essay must describe perspective, preferably a new business idea that can be implemented in the city. Author's text should be not less than 70% and works are checked for plagiarism. Thus, the jury is going to encourage the diverse information retrieval in order to motivate the participants.

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